For those aspiring to become nurses, passing the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) is a significant milestone in their career. The NCLEX exam assesses a candidate's competence in nursing and is a mandatory requirement for registration. With healthcare systems evolving rapidly, it is essential that the NCLEX evolves alongside it to ensure that nursing professionals are prepared for the demands of their profession. That's where the Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) comes in.
Starting on April 1, 2023, the NCLEX-RN exam will be renamed the Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) exam, incorporating various modifications to the current test structure. The primary aim of the NGN is to evaluate the test taker's clinical judgment and decision-making abilities.
One of the significant changes in the NGN is the Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) format. Unlike the traditional NCLEX exam, the NGN exam tailors the level of questions based on the test taker's proficiency level, making it more personalized. This format ensures that the questions asked are challenging enough to assess the candidate's competency while not being too difficult to demotivate or discourage them.
The NGN exam includes a new question format called the "extended multiple-response item," which allows the test taker to choose more than one answer. This format resembles the traditional NCLEX multiple-response format, but with more answer options. This new question type enables candidates to demonstrate a more in-depth understanding of the subject matter, requiring them to analyze and synthesize information to select multiple correct answers.
The NGN exam also utilizes a new test item that incorporates a virtual simulation. This item is designed to recreate real-life clinical scenarios where the test taker can apply their knowledge, skills, and judgment in a realistic and immersive environment.
The NGN exam emphasizes the importance of clinical judgment and decision-making. The exam will use case studies and patient scenarios to assess a candidate's ability to think critically, prioritize care, and evaluate the outcomes of their decisions. The NGN exam seeks to prepare nurses to face the realities of their profession, which includes an increasingly complex and dynamic healthcare environment.
In conclusion, the Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) exam marks a significant step towards ensuring that nursing professionals are equipped with the skills and knowledge required to meet the demands of modern healthcare systems. The NGN exam will evaluate the test taker's clinical judgment and decision-making abilities using a more personalized, challenging, and immersive approach.
Aspiring nurses can prepare themselves for the NGN exam by familiarizing themselves with the new question types and practicing their critical thinking and decision-making skills. At Greenstaff International , we provide study material to help increase your chances of passing the NCLEX-RN exam on your initial try. If you are planning on taking the NCLEX exam soon, get in touch with us to see how we can help you.
Why is the NCLEX changing?
The NCLEX is evolving to accommodate the expanding needs of the healthcare system. With the advancement of technology and an increase in patients' chronic and intricate illnesses, the nursing profession has become more challenging than ever. Due to growing regulations, litigation, and the implementation of electronic EMRs, nurses face a more challenging work environment. Additionally, as patient requirements become more sophisticated, nurses are expected to make complex decisions and around 22-33 percent of questions will be case study lead.
Can I still write the current NCLEX-RN after April 1, 2023?
Beginning April 1, 2023, all RN applicants will only be able to take the NGN as their registration exam, with no other option available.
Why is it important to pass this exam?
This exam validates the skills of graduate nurses. A passing score proves to the state boards that an individual has the entry-level knowledge and skills to practice safely and effectively in a clinical setting. Every new nurse must pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) to get their state license. The test determines if a nursing graduate has the skills and knowledge to practice nursing.
How do I register for the NCLEX?
Visit our website for everything you need to know about the NCLEX: