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What is the difference between H-1B regular cap vs. master’s cap?

There are two different H-1B visa caps depending on your highest earned degree. Qualified international talent with a job offer and a bachelor’s degree in a related field are subject to the regular cap of 65,000 visas per year. 6,800 of those visas are reserved for Chilean and Singaporean citizens under the H-1B1 program. You can qualify for the regular H-1B lottery with a bachelor’s degree from the US or from another country. 

There are only 20,000 visas per year for the master’s cap. To qualify, you must have a relevant master’s degree or higher (i.e., Ph.D.) from a US institution and a job offer that requires that degree. Eligible applicants will be automatically entered into the master’s cap lottery as well as the regular cap. USCIS always conducts the regular cap lottery first, and then the master’s cap lottery. That means applicants eligible for the master’s cap lottery get two chances for selection rather than just one. Lastly, there are significantly fewer applicants for the master’s cap compared to the regular cap, so the chances of being selected to file a visa petition are much higher. 

H-1B Regular Cap

H-1B Master’s Cap

65,000 new visas per year

20,000 new visas per year

Bachelor’s degree or higher is required

Master’s degree or higher from a US institution required